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NOTE: The faces of participants under 18 years of age have been removed for their protection.
Click on a thumbnail image below to see a larger image.

The Lincoln Pilgrimage / Lincoln Shrine Open House February 2, 2017
Our first event of the new year!
The TIELUG Booth 2017 ‑ 500 Square Feet!
10' x 20' in the front, 10' x 30' in the back.
  The crowd gathered for a speech by President Lincoln.   Scouts and their families enjoy the play brick area.

Spectators look for details and hidden items
in the MOC on the "Find 'Ems" List.
  More than 500 Minifigure® soldiers are in the
MOC, including Infantry, Artillery, and Cavalry.
  A creation built by a TIELUG member in the play area

Fullerton Railroad Days May 6 ‐ 7, 2017 with OCLUG
Our first TIELUG collaborative build ‐ Heartlake City
Heartlake City from the iconic lake end;
click on the image to see the entire city.
  Here are some Heartlake condos and riding stables.   Here is Heartlake City from the other side of town;
click on the photo to see the entire city.

Here is a close up view of the famous heart‐shaped lake
from which Heartlake City gets its name.
  Heartlake is a modern city with a Classic LEGO®
Monorail system for public transportation.
  This end of town has a shopping center plus
a playground and a water park.

Star Wars Reads Day in Rancho Cucamonga, CA
May 26, 2017
In the street in Victoria Gardens!   The south east side of the booth.   The south west side of the booth.

The north side of the booth from inside.   The play brick area.   A carnival ride MOC.

Calif. Inland Empire Council Adventure Weekend September 23, 2017
The TIELUG Booth got even bigger ‐ 700 square feet ‐
not counting the Derby Track!
  Kids and Parents busily building cars and MOCS.   An EZ-UP makes a shady place to check cars in to race.

Putting on the wheels and getting Ready to Race.   Ready, Set, GO!   Which car will win?

A LOT of buildings brought by one member.   The Scout Camp MOC has no gaps in the middle now!   The Scout Camp MOC from the other end.

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