NOTE: The faces of participants under 18 years of age
have been removed for their protection.
Click on a thumbnail image below to see a larger image.
The Lincoln Pilgrimage / Lincoln Shrine Open House
February 10, 2018
Our first event with our TIELUG t‐shirts!
The TIELUG Booth 2018 ‑ 10' x 20' on one side
of the sidewalk, 10' x 30' on the other.
Spectators look for details and hidden items
in the MOC on the "Find 'Ems" List.
A Civil War Artillery Re-enactor discusses
details in the MOC with the builder.
TIELUG members setting up the Play Brick area . . .
or are they just playing?
Parents watch while children build in the
Play Brick area.
A creation built by a TIELUG member in the play area
Spectators look for the new areas added this year.
Also new for this year; Abe Lincoln himself!
Abe Lincoln impersonator, Robert Broski,
poses for photos with the Abe Lincoln MOC.
Calif. Inland Empire Council Adventure Weekend September 29, 2018
The TIELUG Booth was 700 square feet ‐
plus 400 square feet for the Derby Track!
A LUG member displays his Super Hero MOCS.
Changes to the Scout Camp MOC include two
oversized Minifigures™ of the builders.
We doubled the size of the Play Brick area this year.
More kids were able to build cars and race them.
There was a long line to register to race!
Here is a close up of one of the Super Hero buildings.
Here is another Super Hero building,
complete with Spiderman!
Four new sections added to the Scout Camp MOC‐
including two Girls Troops‐ makes it 20 feet long!
Time to put the wheels on the car.
Ready to race . . Three, Two, One, GO!
Everyone is anxiously waiting to see who will win.
Sensory Sunday at Just Play Adventure Park December 9, 2018
TIELUG's Group Photo for Sensory Sunday,
it was a little chilly outside on the Skate Rink.
Some LUG member's MOCS on dislay.
Award winning "Kubo and the Two Strings"
MOC by TIELUG member Gwyneth.
Classic Video Game MOC by
TIELUG member Dean.
The Civil War MOC, now larger and with
"Did You Know" cards detailing little known
facts about the Civil War.
Kids were busy building MOCS of
their own in the playbrick area.
As usual, the Brick Derby races
were a big hit with the kids.
See who won and reset the timer!
The dreidel MOCS are very popular‒
especially during Hanukkah!
Hey, if you are all here, then who's
watching the MOCS and the Derby track?
Inside there were lots of people
running around and playing games!
Even Santa came outside to check out
our Booth and visit with Suzy.