NOTE: The faces of participants under 18 years of age
have been removed for their protection.
Click on a thumbnail image below to see a larger image.
The Lincoln Pilgrimage / Lincoln Shrine Open House
February 8, 2020
The TIELUG Booth 2020 ‑ Two 10' x 20' sections and
one 10' x 10' Play Brick area.
Beatles album covers by Gwyneth
are always a big hit with the public.
As usual, the Play Brick area
is popular too!
Even Moms and Dads can't resist
the Play Bricks.
Edwin and his AMAZING robots ‐
including a new Giant one.
President Lincoln, (actor Robert Broski)
points out details in the Civil War MOC.
MOCS from Suzy and Lance's 40th Anniversary
‟LEGO® Style” Wedding.
Finding hidden items in a MOC is always poplular.
A QR Code to an online list was new this year!
Star Wars® MOCS are alwasy a hit, no matter
what the event theme happens to be.
"Walking on LEGO®" in La Quinta, CA
March 29, 2020
Coming Soon!
NEW for TIELUG this year!
Comic Con Revolution May 16‐17, 2020 in Ontario, Calif.
Coming Soon!
Calif. Inland Empire Council Adventure Weekend September 26, 2020
at Glen Helen Regional Park.
Coming Soon!