TIELUG is a group of AFOLs, or Adult Fans of LEGO® who live in Southern California's Inland Empire
which includes Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.
How did TIELUG get started?
TIELUG started as part of the LEGO® User Group of Los Angeles, or LUGOLA, because it was the closest existing
LUG for those of us who live in the Inland Empire. We soon realized that there were enough of us here to start our own LUG.
Why would we want to start our own LUG?
We wanted a LUG in the Inland Empire so that we could display our LEGO® MOCS, or “My Own Creations”
- things we build without directions - at events in our own area, and not just in the Los Angeles Area.
What Happened Next?
Through our contacts with LUGOLA and Long Beach LUG, (LBLUG), we were asked to help a library in Riverside
put on a LEGO® Activity Day for young children, including a class in the “How To's” of building with LEGO® bricks.
While we were there, we met a few more people who were interested in joining us - - and we got permission to start
meeting at the library.
TIELUG had its first official meeting on November 1, 2014.
Seven Members were present at that first meeting.
As our membership grew, we needed to find a larger meeting place than the little rooms at the library,
so we started taking turns hosting meetings at our homes.
TIELUG became a Recognized LEGO® User Group in February 2018.
That means that we are officially recognized by The LEGO Group as an independant LUG. Now that we are an RLUG,
we are no longer a part of LUGOLA, although many of us are still members and particpate in LUGOLA activities.
TIELUG now boasts more than fifty members!
TIELUG Meetings
We are currently holding virtual meetings via Zoom, but we hope to be able to have actual meetings again soon.
Our meetings are held on the third Sunday of each month, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM (for virtal meetings)
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM (for actual meetngs).
How Does TIELUG Operate?
We have several members who manage the various tasks necessary for the operation of the LUG.
Job Description
LUG Ambassador
In BrickSpeak, the Ambassador is like the president of the LUG.
He or she is the liaison between TIELUG and The LEGO Group.
He / she keeps LUG members posted on current and upcoming
events and other LEGO® news via our Google Group.
Event Co‐ordinator
Responisble for setting up LUG events, distributing information
about LUG events to members and posting sign‐up sheets, etc.
Responsible for taking notes at LUG meetings and sending a post meeting
email with meeting details to members via TIELUG’s Google Group.
2021 Social Media Upgrades for TIELUG!
Although we have had a page on Facebook for several years, now that we have more members who have varied interests
and skills, we are active on more social media platforms. We can be found online in the following places:
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