

About Us












Contact Us

Who can join TIELUG?
Anyone who is at least 18 years old* and who loves to build with LEGO®, who wants to meet other people
who also love to build, who wants to learn new and better building techniques, and who is willing to share
his/her skills with others, is welcome to join.

*Builders at least 14 years old may join if their parents also join and attend meetings with them.

What does it cost to join TIELUG?
There is a one time $ 10.00 registration fee to join TIELUG, which covers the entire family.  Members should
also plan to purchase a TIELUG t‐shirt for each family member to wear at our events.
There are currently no monthly dues.

What do I have to do to join TIELUG?
It is easy to join.  There are just four simple steps:
1. Sign in to Google Groups.  If you don't have a Google account or don't know how
to sign in, visit the Google Groups find and join a group page.  Once you have logged in,
search for the TIELUG Group and send a request to join.

When you have joined our Google Group, you will be on our email list, and you will begin
receiving information about our meetings, events, and other activities.
2. If you are on Facebook, you may also want to request to be added to the TIELUG FB page.
This is not a strict requirement, but that is where many people post photos of our events,
and you may miss them if you are not added to our Facebook Group.
3. Start attending our meetings and events!*  Bring something you have built to show, along with
any questions and/or ideas you may have.  We'll see you there!
4. Pay your $ 10.00 Registration Fee and purchase your t‐shirt.
*We are currently meeting virtually via Zoom.   Once you are receiving TIELUG emails, you will
recieve the links to join the our meetings.
If you have any problems or questions, you can send us an email at TIELUGBricks@gmail.com
That's it, you're all set.

If you have any questions, you can send us an email.

LEGO® is a Registered Trademark of The LEGO Group which does not sponsor, authorize, or endorse this site.

© Copyright 2021 TIELUG All rights reserved.